Poor rains raise concerns among East Darfur farmers

Citizens in Sudan’s East Darfur State have voiced concern about an expected food gap because of failing agricultural productivity this year in the state.

Citizens in Sudan’s East Darfur State have voiced concern about an expected food gap because of failing agricultural productivity this year in the state.

Several citizens told Radio Tamazuj that this year’s agricultural season is likely to fail due to little rains. Abdul Karim, one of the farmers in the area, said that the state was the major producer of peanuts transported to Khartoum in addition to millet taken to South Sudan over the past years.

“This year’s agricultural season is failing because the rains have stopped earlier, so this is a concern in the area,” he said.

The farmer said the little rains will cause the food gap in the state. “The state may be forced to import crops in order to meet the shortfall,” he said.