A child receiving polio vaccine in South Sudan. Photo by Edward Parsons/IRIN

Polio vaccination campaign kicks off in Boma State

A campaign to immunize about 50,000 children against polio is underway in South Sudan’s Boma State, a health official said Monday.

A campaign to immunize about 50,000 children against polio is underway in South Sudan’s Boma State, a health official said Monday.

James Chacha Konyi the state health minister told Radio Tamazuj that the state-wide campaign started today and will run till April 28 with more than 50,000 children between 0-5 years are expected to be immunized.

“We launched the campaign this morning (Monday) in greater Pibor, greater Likuangole, greater Gumuruk, and greater Kubal (Nanaam) counties. Our target is 42,000 children. For greater Jebel Boma areas, we are targeting 8, 000 children. But Pochalla areas, I have not yet received the figures of children to be immunized,” he said.

Chacha urged parents in Boma to ensure their children are immunized for healthy growth, saying polio is a dangerous disease.

Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. It invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours.