Police arrest parents of murder suspect in Lakes State

The police in Cueibet County of Lakes State have detained the parents of a murder suspect after he escaped arrest on Sunday.

The police in Cueibet County of Lakes State have detained the parents of a murder suspect after he escaped arrest on Sunday. 

The suspect who is said to have been ordered by a court in Cueibet to pay three cows for blood compensation failed to comply after a team of police was sent to the area. He is said to have killed one of the policemen sent to enforce the order.

“The policeman was sent to release some cattle for blood compensation. So on his arrival to the cattle camp, there was resistance from the cattle owner and he killed the policeman immediately and ran away,” Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, Lakes State police spokesperson told Radio Tamazuj on Monday. 

He said security forces are still pursuing the suspect.

Henry Manoric Thok, a police officer in Cueibet county said that the parents of the suspect have been detained at the Cueibet County Police station. 

The three cows ordered by the special court for blood compensation were also collected and taken to the police station, he added.

“He was supposed to pay nine cows but he only paid six and was to pay three more cows. That is what the court ordered the police to go and bring these remaining three cows for final blood compensation but the owner resisted and killed a police sergeant in an ambush on the road,” he confirmed.