Police arrest 2 Ugandan teachers over claims of attempted rape in Aweil

Police authorities in Aweil town of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr al Ghazal State are investigating two Ugandan teachers who are accused of trying to rape a 16-year-old girl since Monday this week, confirms a police chief.

Police authorities in Aweil town of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr al Ghazal State are investigating two Ugandan teachers who are accused of trying to rape a 16-year-old girl since Monday this week, confirms a police chief.

Henry Iseko, 34, and Philip Katende, 30, of the King Solomon International School were arrested on Monday on charges of attempted rape but the school denies the allegations. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday morning, Northern Bahr el Ghazal police commissioner, Maj. Gen. Philip Madut Tong said the case was reported by the girl’s parents. 

“Yes, the case came to us and as we speak, the case document is in front of me. The parents of the girl informed the police about the rape attempt,” he said. “So these people (two teachers) were brought for investigations and to know more on what happened and we are still investigating them so that we gather enough information whether this happened or not.” 

However, a representative of the King Solomon International School who preferred anonymity said the accusations are baseless. 

He said the school staff lives in the same compound with South Sudanese neighbors who often request extra English lessons and assistance with homework for their children at home. 

“Our teachers have been arrested on Monday on the false accusation that these teachers have attempted to rape a certain girl. You know, we share a compound with our South Sudanese and some of our neighbors requested the teachers to help them with homework, some assignments and even teaching them in English,” the source said. 

The source added that after one parent called the school management to demand that a teacher stop visiting his house for tuition, the school suspended teachers from providing home lessons. 

“We were disappointed and surprised when the husband who is staying in Juba called us one day, saying that our teachers should not cross to his compound! And you know we share the compound even the bathroom and the toilet are on their side,” the source explained. I talked to the teachers who were helping the villagers with homework and English lessons never to go back to help them again.”

The source adds, “On Thursday last week, the wife of the person in Juba and the girl that stays with them attacked the teacher in his room saying that he has gone to their compound.”

According to the source, the school is calling for the immediate release of the teachers.