Plane slides off runway at Juba airport

A chartered Folker-27 plane veered off the runway while taking off this afternoon at Juba International Airport, airport authorities said.

 A chartered Folker-27 plane veered off the runway while taking off this afternoon at Juba International Airport, airport authorities said.

Kur Kuol, the airport’s general manager, told Radio Tamazuj that the plane with three crew members was carrying logistic supplies to Upper Nile State’s Maban County through Malakal town when the incident occurred.

“The incident happened at 12:25 this afternoon. The plane was taking off from Juba. It was supposed to go to Malakal then Maban,” he said.

He added, “What happened was that it could not take off. I think it has a problem with the hydraulic. All the wings are inside. It slid just next to the runway. All the crew members including two pilots are safe. The plane did not damage, only part of it is in the bush and even the goods inside which are just food items, are safe.”

Cases of planes crashing in the country have been on the rise recently with the latest case being reported on 28 February 2022 in Bor.

South Sudan lacks a proper land transportation infrastructure, forcing people to move and transport goods by air.