Pibor commissioner urges aid groups to bring food, shelter

Authorities in Pibor County are calling for aid organizations operating in South Sudan to support the people who fled fighting in the town recently.

Authorities in Pibor County are calling for aid organizations operating in South Sudan to support the people who fled fighting in the town recently.

The fighting which started last month involving elements of SPLA, appointed Boma governor Baba Madan, and Cobra Faction of David Yau Yau resulted into looting of civilian’s property and shops, prompting many people to flee to the bush for safety.

County Commissioner Simon Geng told Radio Miraya that the situation in the town is calm and some people have returned to the town center but there is no food or shelter.

“We are appealing to the humanitarian organizations to come and intervene because most of the houses have been destroyed as a result of fighting, now people are back to their houses but the old houses are damaged now we need people to intervene with the relief and none food items,” Geng said.

Photo: Pibor’s market was looted in late February 2016


Baba Medan blamed for looting in Pibor town (8 Mar.)