Photos: Lawyers team win Peace Cup in Juba

Lawyers team won over Brothers team by one goal to nil in the final match on Sunday at Gudele block 8 football playground in the first session of a peace tournament.

Lawyers team won over Brothers team by one goal to nil in the final match on Sunday at Gudele block 8 football playground in the first session of a peace tournament.

The tournament involving eight teams from around Juba was sponsored by businessman Francis Amin.

Lawyers’ goal was scored by the player William James in the tenth minute of the first half of the match.

The teams that participated in the tournament are Gudele, Munuki Friends, Somalia, NimraTalat , Brothers, Lawyers, Best Friends, and Zain South Sudan.

The final match was attended by the Speaker of Parliament Anthony Lino Makana. The tournament slogan  is “Let’s make sport the language of peace.”

Photos : Lawyers in red, Brothers in yellow