Participants at the payam administrators’ forum in Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on 25 October 2022. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

Payam administrators’ forum commences in Aweil

More than 130 payam administrators are attending a four-day forum to identify priorities, challenges, and recommendations for local leadership in Aweil town of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

More than 130 payam administrators are attending a four-day forum to identify priorities, challenges, and recommendations for local leadership in Aweil town of South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

The forum is sponsored by United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday, the UNMISS Civil Affairs Team Leader in Aweil, Maria Inecita Montero, said the forum’s main aim is to empower administrators to expose issues facing their communities.

“This payam administrators forum brings payam administrators, and key stakeholders to discuss challenges, priorities, and recommendations in the presence of county commissioners and municipal mayors so that they can also take into consideration the concerns that come from payams which will be used as part of the county strategic plan,” said Montero.

One of the participants, Albino Ujieth Nyiwel said he expects to learn about good governance in the forum. 

He said, “One of the expectations is to have a good governance system to deliver the services to the civilians effectively.”

Bol Rounrac, another payam administrator said, “We are expecting to get new information on payam, boma, and county administration.”