Patrol officer arrested for shooting a man dead in Rumbek

Authorities in Rumbek Town in Lakes State have arrested and are investigating a security officer for shooting a man dead on Wednesday night while on patrol duty.

Authorities in Rumbek Town in Lakes State have arrested and are investigating a security officer for shooting a man dead on Wednesday night while on patrol duty.

Sources however said the deceased was on his way to the Rumbek State Hospital where his pregnant wife was about to deliver.

The Lakes State acting information minister, William Koji Kirjok, told Radio Tamazuj Friday that the officer killed the civilian at midnight and confirmed that he had been detained at the Rumbek Central prison and that an investigation into the matter was ongoing.

“The government is already involved and the suspect has been detained for investigation about what caused him to shoot. Also, why was the civilian moving at midnight and why did he open a shop at that time?” he asked. “The security forces were patrolling. You know there have been burglaries in the market in the recent past but it does not mean someone should be shot dead. What provoked the security man to shoot him should be explained and that is why he is being held.”

“Some people are saying that the deceased was a businessman and had gone to pick money from his shop but it will be found out during the investigations,” he added.

The minister urged the relatives of the deceased to remain calm and wait for the outcome of the investigation.

“The government is there to serve and protect the rights, life, and property of everyone,” he said. “If it is found out that there was negligence on the part of the security officer or that the deceased was in the wrong, then the law will determine what should be done.”

Meanwhile, the Rumbek State Hospital administrator, Mawet Bol, said the deceased was killed when he left the hospital to go to his shop to pick bedclothes for his wife who was delivering at the health facility.

“There was a certain man whose wife was admitted in here at the hospital for delivery and he left the hospital to go and bring some bed sheets and covers and other things and to inform his family that his wife is delivering,” he explained. “On his way back to the hospital, he was shot by security organs in the town. He was rushed to hospital but died after about an hour and a half.”

He said the wife of the deceased delivered a healthy baby on Friday at 8 am.

“We did not inform her about her husband’s death and it was her family who told after she was discharged from the hospital and taken back home,” he said.