Parliament refers Wildlife Bill 2023 to specialized committees

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) on Tuesday referred the Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas Bill 2023 to the Specialized Committee on Wildlife Conservation and Tourism and the Committee for Justice and Legislation which were tasked to present it to the house in two weeks.

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) on Tuesday referred the Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas Bill 2023 to the Specialized Committee on Wildlife Conservation and Tourism and the Committee for Justice and Legislation which were tasked to present it to the house in two weeks.

Justice Minister Ruben Justice Madol Arol had earlier on Tuesday tabled the bill during a session chaired by the First Deputy Speaker Oyet Nathaniel Pierino.

During his presentation, Justice Madol said the bill provides for conformity with the constitutional, legal, and political guiding principles, objectives, and ideals enshrined in the 2018 peace agreement and the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan 2011.

He said the bill provides for the establishment of a regulatory framework to govern all matters related to wildlife conservation, management of protected areas, and suitably managing and conserving natural heritage and wildlife resources.

The bill was passed by the cabinet in its regular meeting in August last year and the cabinet directed the justice minister to table it before parliament for enactment. However, it is not clear why it took a year for it to be brought to the house.

The bill permits the director general for wildlife to issue permits for entry and waive fees for school children, students, state officials, and other visitors.

It also prohibits certain activities within national parks, game reserves, and protected areas and defines persons permitted to enter any national park, game reserve, game-controlled areas, or sanctuary for scientific or recreational purposes and will regulate the areas for the wildlife.