TNLA Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba. (File photo)

Parliament extends session amid delays in tabling fiscal budget, bills

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly on Wednesday extended its session after the legislators’ request for recess was not approved by President Salva Kiir.

Earlier this month, the lawmakers demanded that the August House go on recess as stipulated in the House’s Conduct of Business Regulations.

However, addressing the members during Wednesday’s sitting, TNLA Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba revealed that the National Legislature will not go on recess as planned following the extension of the first session.

According to Kumba, the decision was reached following consultation with President Kiir who said parliament has to extend its session because of serious matters that need its attention including the budget for the Fiscal Year 2024/25, which is yet to be tabled in the National Assembly.

“You have been inquiring about the issue of recess. After consultation with the president last week, we agreed that because we have several bills on our hands, and also that the budget is yet to be brought to the house, the session is now extended until further notice,” she clarified. “This means the first session will be extended although we are ready and at that time in our calendar when we are supposed to be on recess.”

Speaker Kumba added: “We are still sitting and we want to officially extend it so that we can finalize what we have and also to get the budget for the nation.”