Pagan Amum calls for S Sudan international trusteeship if talks fail

Pagan Amum, leader of the SPLM-G10 Former Detainees faction, said that South Sudan should go under international trusteeship if the warring parties do not make peace.

Pagan Amum, leader of the SPLM-G10 Former Detainees faction, said that South Sudan should go under international trusteeship if the warring parties do not make peace.

“The international trusteeship is the only way to save South Sudan from collapse in the event of the failure of the parties to the conflict,” Amum told Radio Tamazuj in an interview.   

Amum expressed his disappointment with the distance between the two warring parties, saying they have abandoned agreements made in previous rounds of negotiations.

The former SPLM Secretary General added that he fears the violence may escalate and called on IGAD and the international community to pressure the two sides to a quick resolution of the conflict and formation of a transitional government.