Over 900 families displaced by Twic East floods

Flooding in Jonglei, South Sudan has forced 960 families to flee their homes in Twic East county.

Flooding in Jonglei, South Sudan has forced 960 families to flee their homes in Twic East county.

Twic East Commissioner Dau Akoi Jurkuch said at least 600 families moved to higher ground at the headquarters of Pakeer payam, while 360 families in Ajoung payam sought shelter at their county headquarters.

Dau said that the heavy rainfall collapsed over 350 houses from the two payams between Saturday and Monday, inlcuding 150 in Pakeer and 200 in Ajoung. A further 95 houses were destroyed in Pathian.

“As a result of the rain flood it closed the road connecting State headquarter Bor to Twic east County and this stop our supply from the either NGOs or the government,” he said.

Commissioner Dau said that since the roads are cut off prices of goods in the county have increased. He said it is a dangerous development for people already suffering the larger crisis in South Sudan.

Dau asked humanitarian agencies and the government to quickly respond because most of displaced people lack foods and shelter. He expressed fears of what might happen to the displaced people if it rains again.

Radio Tamazuj could not reach any displaced people for comment due to poor telephone network in the areas.

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