Over 90,000 people reported to face dire conditions in SPLA-N held Blue Nile

Civilians in displaced within rebel-held territories of southern Blue Nile are in deteriorating humanitarian conditions owing to food and medicine shortages.

Civilians in displaced within rebel-held territories of southern Blue Nile are in deteriorating humanitarian conditions owing to food and medicine shortages.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Tuesday, SPLM-North head of humanitarian affairs committee Hashim Orta said that the humanitarian situation of up to 100,000 people in the area is alarming.

He said that the Khartoum government is still refusing to allow aid organizations to provide assistance to Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

“Some families are now fleeing to refugee camps in Maban County in Upper Nile state” in South Sudan, he said, but added that the ongoing conflict in Upper Nile is negatively affecting Blue Nile’s humanitarian situation.

Separately, Orta confirmed that they received an official notification about the visit by the head of African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) Thabo Mbeki to rebel-held areas in Blue Nile state.

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