Over 80 cattle stolen in Bor raid

At least 83 head of cattle were rustled during a raid by armed bandits in Baidit Payam in Bor County, Jonglei State, on Tuesday, a local official said.

At least 83 head of cattle were rustled during a raid by armed bandits in Baidit Payam in Bor County, Jonglei State, on Tuesday, a local official said.

Acing Bor County Commissioner Paul Monykuer told Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that the incident occurred while the animals were being grazed.

“While the cattle were being grazed at the outskirts of Baidit town, a group we suspect to be from Pibor stole 83 cattle but there was no confrontation,” he said.

However, the Greater Pibor Administration Area (GPAA) information minister, Abraham Kellang, said they were not aware of the raid.

“We did not receive such a report from my counterpart in Jonglei State,” he said. “There is no such report.”