Vocational training gradustes at a past ceremony. (Credit: UNESCO)

Over 700 graduate with vocational skills in Lakes State

At least 747 youth from the counties of Rumbek East, Wulu, Yirol East, Rumbek Centre, and Yirol West in Lakes State have benefited from a six-month Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) program.

The training in life skills program was funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and implemented by ACROSS, an inter-denominational Christian organization, through UNESCO.

Martha Yar Maker, one of the beneficiaries who learned catering and hospitality, told Radio Tamazuj that they are happy with the empowerment program.

“We acquired many skills in vegetable production, baking, catering, hairdressing, tailoring, computers, plumbing, masonry, carpentry, livestock care, electricity, and many others,” she said. “We the women are now able to support our families, particularly our children with soap, sugar, school fees, and medication as a result of the skills and knowledge that we have acquired. We thank ACROSS and UNESCO for the support.”

Another beneficiary, Alfred Akol, who trained in advanced electricity and represented the graduates at the function, said they are privileged to be beneficiaries of the youth empowerment program.

“We appreciate the support from SIDA through UNESCO and the implementation by ACROSS. Some of us were trained for three months and others for six months and we have acquired skills that can earn us money,” he said. “We would like to thank the state and national governments for the peace and stability in our communities which allowed NGOs and humanitarian agencies to come and support us with education and skills that have made most of us self-reliant.”

Akol added: “I am a second-year student pursuing a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Public Health at Rumbek Health Science Institute and I am the one paying my school fees using the skills I have acquired.”

For his part, Lakes State Cabinet Affairs Minister Stephen Mathiang Deng Monydit welcomed National General Education Minister Awut Deng Acuil and thanked her for providing education services to the people of the state.

“You have solved the problem of youth employment in Lakes State. When the youth are redundant, they become a problem. Our youths were having sectional fights and the urban youth formed dangerous gangs but those who are beneficiaries of this training will be seeking jobs in the market and looking for money,” he said. “I hear statements that you do not want foreigners to work in Lakes State. No! They are our sisters and brothers so do not go and fight them, but fight them through competition because you are now qualified.”

For her part, Minister Awut Deng Acuil said it was a joint program between the ministry of general education and instructions and the ministry of Labor.

“I am pleased to be here today in Rumbek, Lakes State, to grace the graduation of this first batch of trainees supported by SIDA.

“I also want to commend the government of Lakes State for providing a conducive atmosphere for education. I also want to extend my deepest gratitude to the government of Sweden in absentia for their continuous support of the TVET program in South Sudan. Currently, this project supports TVET in seven states,” she said. “As you have witnessed for yourselves today, we have been able to train a considerable number of our youth including female trainees with employable skills for livelihoods in various sectors such as agriculture, hairdressing, beauty therapy, catering, and hospitality, ICT, building and construction, solar, and electrical installation, generator repair and auto mechanic, carpentry, saloon woman, fisheries training, and welding metallic fabrications.”

Minister Deng added: “I urge the entire community of Lakes State and South Sudan to embrace the skills development in technical education for employability, livelihoods, and development.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Levi Yona, the ACROSS head of programs in South Sudan, said they are privileged to partner with UNESCO to deliver the training.

“ACROSS’ vision is to see that there is a transformation in the community in South Sudan and beyond through a holistic approach. The first mission of ACROSS in South Sudan after coming from Sudan was to train teachers and that put education in the center of holistic transformation work that we have been doing for the past 50 years,” he stated. “Over the years, ACROSS has partnered with several entities including international organizations and UN agencies in South Sudan to contribute to the education sector and we are exceedingly blessed and grateful to partner with the national and state ministries of education and instruction and UNESCO through the funding from SIDA To implement this important project.”