Over 500 households ruined by Jur River floods 

At least 530 households have been displaced by heavy floods in Jur River County of Marial-Bai Payam following torrential rains that have continued to pound the area since last month.

The residents said their crops and livestock too have been affected by the floods they say were triggered by the road construction by the African Resource Corporation (ARC).

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj at Maluil Boma, one of the residents, Joseph Manok, said their situation was worsening.

“The number of the houses collapsing was rising and the situation of the people that have been affected was worsening because most crops too have been affected,” said Manok.

He said the road construction company closed the waterways after failing to install culverts.

Manok called on ARC provide channels to allow the flow of water from the areas affected.

The resident have called on the humanitarian organizations and the State Government to assist them with mosquito nets and other healthcare needs.

The areas affected are Maluil, Kwaj-Ayok, Madhuk, Kuol-Khor, and Akacyic.

Atong Thiep said most households have been affected and that their children were in bed sick due to the cold.

“All the houses have been destroyed. We just keep monitoring our children because a child can drown,’’ said Thiep.

Western Bahr el-Ghazal Agriculture Minister Valentino Akec, who visited the area, confirmed the effects of the floods.

Akec said his ministry and FAO would assess the affected populations within two weeks for possible aid.

The Minister said that the State Government would ensure that those affected get help.

He pointed out that the State Government would also engage with the construction company to address the cause of the flood, which is being blamed on it.