Over 50 inmates pardoned by Unity state governor

Authorities in Mayom County of South Sudan’s Unity State confirmed that more than 50 inmates charged with what they termed as petty crimes were pardoned by the state governor Joseph Monytuil Wejang on Sunday.

Authorities in Mayom County of South Sudan’s Unity State confirmed that more than 50 inmates charged with what they termed as petty crimes were pardoned by the state governor Joseph Monytuil Wejang on Sunday.

Mayom county commissioner Chuol Gatluak Manime told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that the inmates charged for theft and cattle raids had been in detention since last year.

He said the inmates will be released today. 

“Those pardoned are 58 inmates with different cases of cattle thefts, raiding, and stealing other people’s properties. These criminals are poor. These are small minor crimes that have been pardoned,” he added. 

Gatluak pointed out that for minor crimes, criminals get between 6 months to one year in jail saying murder convicts get up to 5 years in jail.