Over 18,000 IDP’s need assistance in Lainya, official says

Over 18,000 internally displaced persons in Lainya County are surviving on tree leaves, according to a top local official.

Over 18,000 internally displaced persons in Lainya County are surviving on tree leaves, according to a top local official.

Recent fighting between government and opposition forces in the Lainya area of Central Equitoria have led to widespread displacement. The area has been cut off from other parts of the country due to insecurity.

Comissioner Augustino Kiri said that most of the displaced are women, children, and elderly that are living without care. 

“The humanitarian on the ground since July until today is alarming. I have made several appeals to the humanitarian partners but have received no response, The humanitarian condition is deteriorating,” Kiri said. “I am getting reports that more are still in dire need for assistance in the various bomas and payams of the county,”

But a bishop in the area said there are no civilians in Lainya town, it is only the army who is present.

”The town is deserted,” he said.