The SPLA in Opposition has claimed the attack on the SPLA barracks at Nyoga village of Pagari Payam in Eastern Equatoria State on Tuesday morning. SPLA military sources in Nimule and Torit as well as at the general headquarters in Juba forces have confirmed that Pageri town, located some 16 miles north east of Nimule town in Eastern State has been overrun by forces under Martin Kenyi, commander of the SPLA in opposition in Eastern Equatoria.
According to the major General James Koang Chuol of the SPLA-IO, the SPLA forces of president Salva Kiir launched multiple attacks on their rebel positions in Pageri and the surrounding areas in Imatong state. “Our forces under the overall commander of Eastern Equatoria Martin Kenyi and operations commander, Marli Max repulsed the government forces and pursued them to Pageri town”. He said their troops ‘dislodged’ the SPLA forces and taking full control of the town. He said the Nimule-Juba road is closed.
That the attacks on the SPLA IO were initiated by the government forces could not be confirmed. But Radio Tamazuj received confirmation that the town came under the attack by armed groups around 7:00am. The SPLA soldiers were overpowered at around 08:30. According to local witnesses the army pulled out.
Riek Machar appointed Martin Kenyi as a deputy Chief of Staff for moral orientation in 2014 and as the overall commander of the rebel forces in Eastern Equatoria state.
SPLA spokesman Colonel Philip Aguer said that the town came under attack on Tuesday morning, forcing civilians in the town to flee to Nimule town. He said the attackers took advantage of the absence of government forces. He did not mention whether the SPLA forces pulled out. A local commanding officer of the SPLA forces in Nimule said Tuesday that he had received instructions from the general headquarters in Juba to pull out the troops from town, allegedly to prevent civilians from being caught in the crossfire.
“We pulled our forces from the town this morning based on directives we received from the general headquarters. It was a not due to any defeat,”he stated.
Emillio Igga, Pageri Chief Administrator told Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that the attacks occurred just around 9:30 AM. He said the fighting lasted only for 15 minutes. “This morning, there was a clash inside the SPLA barrack when a group of armed people opened fire against the SPLA soldiers. They escaped after 15 minutes” said Iga. He counted two soldiers who were injured on the SPLA side and does not know whether any soldiers were killed.
Igga was not able to identify the attackers: “I can not confirm whether the attackers were forces of the SPLA-IO or other rebels. I will not be sure until someone of the rebels claims responsibility for the attack.”
The youth leader for Pageri Payam, Taban Oliver, also noticed the shooting but he said the shooting has stopped and people in the area are now moving normally. The incident has also been officially confirmed by the Magwi County commissioner, Ben Kingston.