One person killed and two others wounded in clan violence in Gok State

Clan violence has taken another life in western Lakes State, according to the administrator of Joth Mayar Administrative Unit, James Khacuol Dhieu.

Clan violence has taken another life in western Lakes State, according to the administrator of Joth Mayar Administrative Unit, James Khacuol Dhieu.

He confirmed on Monday that one person was killed and two others wounded on both side of Pagoor and Akaak sections in Mayath, the home area of Gok State Governor Madhang Majok Meen.

One was killed on the side of Akaak and the two wounded are from Pagoor section are receiving medical care at Cueibet state hospital, said Khacuol.

The official urged the two sections to avoid further revenge as the state government is trying to return the security to normalcy. He added that the root cause of the problem is a revenge of the previous people that were killed last year on both sides.

The cases of revenge killings and cattle raiding have caused too much insecurity in the state, Khacuol added. The tensions in the state are beyond normal, a local resident in area has said, who also declined to mention his name.

Last week, more than ten people were reported to have been killed in different incidents. The former Commissioner of the state headquarters James Aguer Dut told Radio Tamazuj that he was taken to the police station by the family for his safety as he was arrested earlier for having sprung his son from prison in relation to a murder case.

Photo: Senior Administrator of the newly created Joth Mayar Administrative Unit