Official: Capture of Uror County by SPLA top priority

The Uror County Commissioner in South Sudan’s Jonglei state Peter Babor Bol said the capture of the county from the rebels by the government is a “top priority.”

The Uror County Commissioner in South Sudan’s Jonglei state Peter Babor Bol said the capture of the county from the rebels by the government is a “top priority.”

He spoke during a meeting with the Foreign Affairs Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin and the Deputy Information Minister Rachel Nyadak Paul on Monday.

Though the county is currently under rebel control, some Uror community leaders still loyal to the government have expressed willingness to restore stability in the county, according to Bol, saying that sons and daughters of Uror County can play a positive role in bringing about peace in South Sudan.

For his part, Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial congratulated the newly appointed commissioner, saying his appointment at this critical time shows strength of character and the trust bestowed on him by the Uror community leaders in the national government.

Jonglei’s governor appointed the new commissioner recently and swore him in on 7 April.

Photo: A map of Jonglei with county lines as well as approximate territories of several tribal groups. Pink shows Lou Nuer, green Jikany Nuer, yellow Murlei, blue Dinka  (International Crisis Group)

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