Official: 600 children living under trees in Lainya County

More than 600 children who fled attacks in Wonduruba Payam last year are living under trees in Lainya County of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State and lack school materials, an official from the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Lainya said.

More than 600 children who fled attacks in Wonduruba Payam last year are living under trees in Lainya County of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State and lack school materials, an official from the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Lainya said.

RRC official Sidig Augustino told Radio Tamazuj the education situation in the area is worsening, calling on the government to support the children with books and other school materials and to build classes before the rainy season.

He further called on NGOs in the county to dig wells and build sanitation facilities for the children.

Wonduruba community leaders signed a peace deal with the SPLA unit in Wonduruba last December, but provisions of the deal have not been implemented and many Wonduruba citizens in Lainya still fear to return home.

Related coverage: 

Bishop hails Wonduruba peace deal with SPLA (8 Dec.)

Population ‘terrorized’ by SPLA in Wonduruba (21 Sept.)

Ruling party MP accuses SPLA of terrorizing citizens in Wonduruba (17 Sept.)