Number of cholera fatalities in Juba and Bor still growing

As of 15 August 2015, a total of 1,581 cholera cases including 45 deaths have been reported in Juba and Bor Counties

As of 15 August 2015, a total of 1,581 cholera cases including 45 deaths have been reported in Juba and Bor Counties in Central Equatoria and Jonglei States respectively, the WHO and the Ministry of Health report. A cholera case in Pibor has been reported but is not confirmed.

There is a case fatality rate of 2,85%. In Juba County, 1,451 cases including 44 deaths have been reported from eight payams. In Bor, 130 cases including one death have been reported from Malou in Makuach Payam and other areas within the county.

Kator, Rejaf, Northern Bari, and Munuki are the most affected payams in Juba County with a maximum attack rate of 252 cases per 10,000 people. Makuach is the most affected payam in Bor and has registered an attack rate of 33 cases per 10,000.

During the week of 15 August, most of the cholera cases in Juba were found in Mobil, Gurei, Lemon Gaba, Mangatain, Jebel Dinka, Gorom, and Gudele 2 in Northern Bari. There were also cholera cases in Gumbo in Rejaf, Nyakuron and Jebel Kujur in Munuki, Kor William in Kator, and Buluk and Tongping in Juba.

The highest cumulative number of cholera cases included Gumbo, New site, Juba 3 Protection of Civilians site, Gudele 2, Atlabara B, and Munuki.


East Darfur govt steps up surveillance after cholera reports in South Sudan (17 August 2014)