Normalcy returns to Mayom County after rebel attacks

A semblance of normalcy has returned to Mayom County in Unity State after last week’s multiple attacks by rebels loyal to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang, a local official said.

A semblance of normalcy has returned to Mayom County in Unity State after last week’s multiple attacks by rebels loyal to Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang, a local official said.

The information officer in Mayom County, Wuor Keah, told Radio Tamazuj Monday that normally had returned to the county and that people were going about their business as usual.

“The situation has generally been calm and normal in the last 2 days. There was only a group of rebels that came from that side of Abiemnhom on Saturday to a place called Magul and they fought the SSPDF there,” he said “The rebels from SSPM/A left behind six rebel fighters dead and 1 SSPDF soldier was wounded. This is the information we got.”

According to Keah, since Saturday, the general security situation has normalized and business activities are going on normally in Mayom Town.

“There were no displacements of people this time. It was a first attack in which they killed the commissioner when people feared and got displaced,” he explained. “Now everyone has returned to their respective places and the situation is generally calm and business activities are going on normally.”

“The place where the rebels clashed with SSPDF is a remote forest which has no population,” he added.

However, Luk Gattiek Gai, Gen. Stephen Buay’s press secretary, told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that they are not aware of any attacks over the weekend saying those allegations are false. 

“We have no clue about that. Our forces did not carry any attack and also th forces from the SSPDF has not afttacked us for th elast four days now. they are only attacking civilians whom they claim are supporting us,” he claimed.

Gattiek added that the government forces in the area are now arresting and torturing civilians perceived to be supporting his outfit.