No teachers for 80 secondary students in Awerial

Awerial County’s education department says that Kon Anok secondary school has registered 80 students this week but there are no teachers to begin their classes.

Awerial County’s education department says that Kon Anok secondary school has registered 80 students this week but there are no teachers to begin their classes.

James Mareer Aluel, the director of education in Awerial County, says they are waiting for the state ministry of education to send the teachers. He explained to the local Mingkaman FM that they are also awaiting learning materials from the state education ministry.

“The eighty children who have registered can have a very good base for us to start the secondary school, they are eligible to be given a functional school, what we are waiting now are teachers to be sent from the state and the learning materials but the issue of learning space is not a problem in Awerial because we have many schools with empty classes,” said James.

Victoria Achol Kueth, the minister of education and gender for Eastern Lakes State, has promised to come with teachers this Friday, according to the radio station.

File photo: P8 candidates at Kanjoro Primary school, Yei, tackle their exams first paper – Monday, Dec 7, 2015. (Photo Credit: Eye Radio)