NGOs in South Sudan want support to prepare for Sudan humanitarian response

The humanitarian community in South Sudan is calling on regional and international stakeholders to push for a cessation of hostilities, safeguard human rights, and establish humanitarian corridors out of the worst-affected areas as the conflict in Sudan enters its sixth day.

The humanitarian community in South Sudan is calling on regional and international stakeholders to push for a cessation of hostilities, safeguard human rights, and establish humanitarian corridors out of the worst-affected areas as the conflict in Sudan enters its sixth day.

According to a South Sudan NGO Forum press statement on Thursday, NGOs are calling for support in preparing for the humanitarian response in Sudan as well as in neighboring countries, including South Sudan.

Cissy Kagaba, the South Sudan NGO Forum Secretariat Director, urged donors to quickly pull together a plan to support humanitarian partners to respond through flexible funding targeting both refugees and returnees since Sudan hosts many South Sudanese refugees.

“Appalled by the state of affairs in Sudan, as humanitarian actors in South Sudan-a refugee hosting country-we call upon all parties to the conflict to immediately cease fighting and establish safe humanitarian corridors so those at risk and vulnerable populations can leave the worst-affected areas if they so wish,” she said. “Regional stakeholders must also keep borders open to allow vulnerable communities to seek protection should they wish to do so,” fleeing conflict have the right to protection.”

According to the Forum, the promotion of a dynamic response needs flexible funding not tied to a specific target group because humanitarian partners foresee both refugees and returnees affected.

“The support should also extend to host populations that have been affected by various shocks in the two countries. As humanitarian agencies are preparing for a potential response, donors should be proactive in making support available to enable efficient and timely responses to the needs of the affected populations,” the statement read.  “The UNSC and the international community more broadly should ramp up their call for a diplomatic solution to the problems prevailing in Sudan and give priority to the protection of the vulnerable population.”

The Forum says that all South Sudanese actors should understand and respect the international convention on the protection of refugees and support the government in facilitating the reception of any refugee populations likely to arrive in South Sudan seeking protection.

“The implications of the conflict in Sudan are wide-reaching across the region and will certainly, be felt here in South Sudan. Every stakeholder has a role to play in ensuring the meeting of humanitarian needs and that civilians, alongside our humanitarian colleagues, are protected from harm on both sides of the border.