NGOs call for urgent funding to avert South Sudan crisis

Over 300 members of None-Governmental Organizations working in the humanitarian sector have called for an urgent funding to avert humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. The NGO said there are 7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

Over 300 members of None-Governmental Organizations working in the humanitarian sector have called for an urgent funding to avert humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. The NGO said there are 7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

 Dr. Pius Ojara, NGO Forum Secretariat Director said in a statement on Thursday that the economic crisis is driving high rates of food insecurity and malnutrition, with 48% of the population now estimated to be in crisis or worse levels of food security.

 “NGOs are appealing to donors to continue to assist those most affected by the crisis in South Sudan in 2018 including vulnerable women, children and elderly people. Please support our effort to save lives and alleviate human suffering in the world’s youngest nation,” partly reads the statement.

 “NGOs also call on all parties to the conflict to bring an end to the fighting and support the peace talks,” adds the statement.

 According to IPC report launched last month, during the lean season months of May-July 2018, an estimated 7.1 million will face severe food insecurity, out of which 155,000 would be in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) and 2.3 million in Emergency (IPC Phase 4).