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ABYEI - 2 Nov 2016

Ngok Dinka-Misseriya Youth conference wraps up without approved resolutions

The Ngok Dinka- Misseriya youth conference for peace building has concluded without approved resolutions, highlighting the difficulties with which the two communities are struggling to forge understanding on contentious matters. The cause of the failure, according to the Abyei newsletter, is linked to the demand of the Ngok youth who wanted to include a text calling for withdrawal of units of the Sudan Armed Forces in Kec\Diffra and to obtain copies for revision before signing the resolutions. Misseriya youth, on the other hand, reserved their commitment on the withdrawal of Armed Forces and exchange of criminals, saying these issues could be discussed at a higher political level. But Concordis International program manager, Gatkuoth Kai was optimistic that resolutions and recommendations would be signed after referring certain points to the authorities concerned.“I think this is the beginning of dialogue; exchange of criminals could be discussed at the level of the peace committee and at the high level of the two communities. “The other issue which is political (withdrawal of Sudan Armed Forces in Kec/Diffra) we will take to UNISFA and the AU. This dialogue should continue, it is normal in the peace process,” Gatkuoth explained. The conference was supplemented with recreational activities such as singing, drama, football and volleyball. The event was attended by representatives of many local and international organizations such as Abyei Peace and Human Rights Organization, IOM, ADRA and UNICEF