Ngok Dinka, Misseriya in Abyei Box agree to end violence

The Ngok Dinka and Misseriya communities in the disputed Abyei region concluded a peace conference in the Todach area of Ameth-Aguok County on Thursday.

The Ngok Dinka and Misseriya communities in the disputed Abyei region concluded a peace conference in the Todach area of Ameth-Aguok County on Thursday.

 The agreement between the communities was brokered by UNISFA, IOM, FAO and Concordis International after a four-day engagement from 20-23 March 2023.

The conference, which is jointly organized by UNISFA, was aimed at reviving and reviewing the agreements signed by the two feuding communities in 2016 on how to peacefully manage the annual transhumance migration without recourse to violence.

Belbel Chol, a representative of Abyei chief, told Radio Tamazuj on Friday that the dialogue aimed at activating the peace conference of 2016 and creating a conducive atmosphere between pastoralists and host communities.

“The Ngok Dinka and Messeriya agreed on important resolutions, such as how to stop killings and ambushes. Also, we agreed that Sudan and South Sudan should work together and ensure that militias and other armed groups move out of Abyei Box. We agreed that peace committees from both sides should resume their work, among other things,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Rou Manyiel, the chairperson of the Abyei civil society organization, welcomed the peace dialogue between the two communities.

“We welcome the peace conference for reviewing and reviving the Ngong Peace Agreement signed in 2016 between the two communities. They came up with nine resolutions, including the cessation of hostilities, and they agreed on the freedom of movement,” he said.

For its part, the United Nations Interim Security Forces for Abyei (UNISFA) issued a statement on Friday saying the two communities that have been at loggerheads over the ownership of land and access to water and grazing areas over the decades, agreed to, amongst other things, continue the process of peaceful coexistence, cessation of hostilities and mutual respect between the two sides.

“They equally agreed on ensuring freedom of movement within the Abyei Box without restrictions, withdrawal of all militias and armed units from the Abyei Box, and reactivation of the Joint Peace Committee on the side of Ngok Dinka to ensure continuous communication and continue the dialogue through quarterly conferences between both communities at the leadership level,” UNISFA said.

It added,” They also agreed to reactivate the weekly meetings of the Peace Committee and the need for the organizations to support both communities in building peace and trust among citizens. They called on the peace partners to provide the two communities with humanitarian assistance and workshops on peace culture through local radios and public rallies and organize transhumance for pastoralists on a yearly basis. They equally called on UNISFA to intensify patrolling along the roads and villages within Abyei Box and to ensure that the two Countries withdraw armed groups and militias within Abyei Box.”

This latest agreement is a milestone achievement in reviving and reviewing the 2016 agreement. The two communities have since 2016 failed to meet except for the UNISFA-organized Joint Traditional Leaders Peace Conference held in Entebbe in May 2022.