New homes for vulnerable people in Abyei town

Fifty-five tukuls are currently being constructed in Abyei town to help house the elderly, the disabled, as well as women made widows by the last crisis.

Fifty-five tukuls are currently being constructed in Abyei town to help house the elderly, the disabled, as well as women made widows by the last crisis.

Local residents told Abyei Today that the project, which uses all local materials, may encourage people to return to the town.

Majority of residents fled Abyei town for areas farther south due to insecurity.

The construction is being carried out by Caritas organization under the supervision of the nine Ngok Dinka chiefs.

Arop Kuol, the chief of the Deel tribe, said the five largest tribes had each received seven tukuls, with the rest getting five each.