New head of South Sudan Relief Commission vows to tackle corruption

The newly appointed chairperson of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) officially assumed his role today, months after being appointed for the post.

The newly appointed chairperson of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) officially assumed his role today, months after being appointed for the post.

Lukuleneg Lole was sworn in at a ceremony held at the RRC headquarters in Juba. In a speech, he warned RRC staff that he will not tolerate corruption within the government organization.

“If anyone who steals a sack of rice, he or she will be brought to justice,” he said to applause.

The official urged people to leave behind tribalism and nepotism. “I am not for my tribe but for all South Sudanese,” he said.

Lole, who is a former Minister of Education, added that the public should focus on learning. “All of you must go to evening classes as part of adult education program,” he said.

Lole said he had a one hour meeting with President Salva Kiir yesterday, where they discussed issues facing the RRC.

“The president put me here because there are many issues to put right,” he said.

Lole is the first RRC chair from Central Equatoria state. The RRC is a govenment agency which coordinates and regulates humanitarian activities in South Sudan.

Radio Tamazuj photo: RRC chair Lukuleneg Lole and his deputy Martha Nyamal