New community center, Police Protection Unit inaugurated in Magwi County     

The Government of Eastern Equatoria State over the weekend officially opened a newly constructed multipurpose community training center and a Police Protection Unit in Magwi County’s Obbo Payam.

The two facilities were constructed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support from the Government of Japan. The construction of both facilities, according to local authorities, commenced earlier this year. The cost of the facilities was however not divulged.

Dr. Mohamed Abchir, the UNDP Resident Representative, said the facilities are meant to create a conducive environment for voluntary returnees.

“The purpose of this project of which we are witnessing the results today is to create the necessary conditions for the voluntary and dignified return of the displaced population,” he stated. “The role of the state is to push on in creating a conducive environment and UNDP is proud to closely collaborate with Eastern Equatoria State authorities in achieving this goal.”

Abchir added: “The project has enabled authorities to enhance the rights of its citizens and to improve access to justice, particularly for vulnerable groups.”

For his part, Otim David, the chairperson of the Acholi Community, lauded the construction of the facilities and thanked the Japanese government for their support. 

“I want to thank Japanese Ambassador Odagiri [Toshioyou] very much, the UNDP for the excellent work you are doing for the people of South Sudan, and may God bless you,” he said. “This center that has been opened today is going to be a command and control center for development in Eastern Equatoria in Magwi and the Acholi corridor as a whole, so, I would like you to thank our development partners and the government for doing this great thing for us.”

Meanwhile, Toshio Adagire, the Japanese Ambassador to South Sudan, applauded the Magwi Community for their cooperation that led to the success of the project.

“Thank you so much for the tremendous efforts inserted for this thing to be made possible and I appreciate and would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people involved in this project,” he said.

Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore commended the community for availing land to build the amenities and urged them to own and put them to proper use and cooperate with the police.

“We want to thank you for giving us space to build a police protection unit for you and this place belongs to you, not the police. This center belongs to the community of Obbo and it is the police to manage it, so, you should take good care of this place,” he advised. “If you do not manage it well, people will say Eastern Equatorians are not good. Cooperate with the police and anybody who has a problem should come and report here.”