Negotiations update: Reply expected on South Sudan ceasefire draft

South Sudanese government and opposition delegations are expected to reply soon on a ceasefire proposal by the IGAD mediation, and are now still in closed doors meetings at the Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa.

South Sudanese government and opposition delegations are expected to reply soon on a ceasefire proposal by the IGAD mediation, and are now still in closed doors meetings at the Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa.

Talks on the cessation of hostilities have been ongoing for days while fighting continued on several fronts in South Sudan including Bentiu, which the government captured today, and Bor.

Seyoum Mesfin, mediator from the East African region bloc IGAD, earlier today expressed optimism a ceasefire will be signed soon, saying “we have now come a long way in establishing understanding between the parties.”

The mediation has prepared and presented a draft document on the cessation of hostilities to the two sides. Mohamed Ahmed al Dabi, Sudan’s representative on the mediation panel yesterday told Radio Tamazuj that the parties were expected to give an answer on the proposal on Friday.

“The cessation of hostilities will be only the beginning of negotiations on political issues. We prepared a draft of the cessation of hostilities document for the two parties and we expect them to return any remarks on it and meet tomorrow to give their final answer, ” al Dabi explained.

Elements of the initial agreement between the two parties could include a cessation of hostilities, sending of IGAD observers to South Sudan, sending envoys to visit Riek Machar, and working toward the release of detainees, according to a leaked draft of the document seen by Radio Tamazuj.

Mesfin, speaking to AFP news agency earlier today said he expects a ceasefire in “the shortest possible time,” although he did not indicate a precise timing.

On the issue of the opposition’s insistence on the release of the high-level SPLM politicians detained in Juba, he said, “We are hoping that we can unblock this situation, we are discussing with the delegates here.”

However, Yohannis Musa, a member of the Machar delegation, said that it would be “very difficult” to attain a cessation of the hostilities of the detainees were not first released.

Another delegate for the opposition and military spokesman, Brigadier Lul Rai Kong, appeared to the press at 7:00 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel voicing harsh criticism of the government for unleashing its forces on Bentiu, alleging they were looting and burning the city.

For his part, South Sudanese presidential spokesman Ateny Wek said at a press conference in Juba this afternoon, “If the rebels have listened to the voice of reason and dropped their preconditions on the issue of detainees, then there is no any problem that the cessation of hostilities could be signed any time.”

As of 7:00 p.m. on Friday the delegations in Addis Ababa had delivered their responses to the mediation and were in a closed meeting with them.

Photo: Members of the opposition delegation at the opening of talks in Addis Ababa, 4 January 2014 (Reuters)