NCP’s Ghazi denies being stripped of powers

Dr. Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Atabani has denied press reports that he has been dismissed from his position as head of the National Congress Party parliamentary caucus.

Dr. Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Atabani has denied press reports that he has been dismissed from his position as head of the National Congress Party parliamentary caucus.

He said that he did not receive an official letter notifying him that he is officially relieved from his post neither was anyone appointed to replace him.

“I was not consulted on the matter,” Dr. Ghazi said in a written statement to the press. He revealed that he did not even attend the last parliamentary session as he was outside the country.

It was reported that last week the NCP leadership bureau stripped al-Attabani of his title as party secretary for parliamentary affairs, which effectively would have removed him from the caucus leadership.

The top ruling party official affirmed that the dismissal and appointment of the caucus head should come through a vote in the parliament and require approval of a simple majority of the members in the national parliament.

“It is also in the interest of the party to have a parliament body alive and more effective so people should not be afraid of it,” al-Attabani stated.

Also he said that his effectiveness does not depend on his political presence in the parliament. “One can be effective wherever one finds himself or herself,” he stated.

File photo: Ghazi Salah al-Deen (