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KHARTOUM - 6 Feb 2015

NCP leader says opposition “quit” campaign isn't peaceful

A leading member of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) criticized the opposition parties' use of the word "quit" in their campaign to boycott the upcoming April elections.

Sudan’s opposition political parties and armed movements which signed the Sudan Appeal declaration launched the "Quit Campaign” on Wednesday evening to boycott the upcoming April elections and overthrow the government.

Abdel-Malik El Birer, the NCP deputy head of political affairs said in a press statement that the use of term "quit" is unfortunate and not a peaceful approach to politics.

“We don’t encourage such provocative expressions," he said. "If the opposition wants the government to go it should be through ballot boxes."

Abdel-Malik said opposition parties have the right to express their viewpoint in accordance with the law without exceeding it.