National police probing cause of fuel tanker explosion

Police authorities in South Sudan are investigating the cause behind a recent fuel tanker explosion at the outskirt of Juba town, claiming at least four lives and wounding others.

Police authorities in South Sudan are investigating the cause behind a recent fuel tanker explosion at the outskirt of Juba town, claiming at least four lives and wounding others.

 Police spokesman, Justin Daniel said Wednesday the institution has assembled a team of fire, traffic and loading experts to carry out thorough investigation to establish the actual cause of the incident.

 “This is not a simple incident. It is a big incident. Some lives and properties have been lost. So, as a police, we have assembled a team comprising of different people with different skills and expertise to carry out investigation so that we know exactly what caused the incident, Justin said on Wednesday when asked what police authorities were doing since this the second deadliest fuel tanker incident after Maridi.

  The police spokesman made comments after a fuel tanker exploded late last Sunday in Sherikat area. The Tanker carrying Diesel swerved off the highway and crashed into Haman Bridge lodge after a motorcycle came in its path. The driver and his conductor left the scene briefly before the fuel tanker exploded.Four lives were lost as a result of the accident, two adults and a child died on the spot and a forth died in the hospital. Two people were injured and remain admitted in hospital, said Emanuel Tarjamos, a police officer at the scene.

A resident of the Lodge said he was watching the football game in a nearby shack and had just returned to his room before the accident happened at 8:03 PM; he heard the explosion and ran out before the fire razed the entire complex and the nearby shops. The police are searching for the driver and his conductor, who have not been seen since the accident occurred.