National Movement for Change appoints Akobo County party chairperson

Elijah Mocnom Wuor, the Jonglei State chairperson of South Sudan National Movement for Change (SNMC), an opposition political party under the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA), appointed Opiew Opiew Gilo as its representative to Akobo County on Friday.

Elijah Mocnom Wuor, the Jonglei State chairperson of South Sudan National Movement for Change (SNMC), an opposition political party under the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA), appointed Opiew Opiew Gilo as its representative to Akobo County on Friday.

The state party chairperson, Mocnom Wuor, told Radio Tamazuj over the weekend that the appointment was part of the party’s preparations for elections scheduled for 2024.

“On Friday, I issued an order appointing Opiew Opiew Gilo as the chairperson of our party in Akobo County. This is how we are preparing for elections and mobilizing people,” he said. “Earlier, we appointed chairpersons to other counties except for Fangak County.”  

On his part, Opiew, the new Akobo County party chairperson, lauded his appointment and said he would prioritize peace among the local communities there.

“I am happy about the appointment. My priority is to work together with people to bring peace between the communities of Nuer and Anyuak,” he said. “The most important thing is peace and then service delivery will follow.”