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YEI - 20 Feb 2019

NAS splinter group signs peace pact with government in Yei

A rebel group calling itself the Equatoria Non-Allied Forces (ENAF) which broke away from the National Salvation Front (NAS) under the command of General Kenyi Lo Buron last year in Yei River State signed a peace deal with the government on Monday.

The signing of the peace agreement which was facilitated by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and Uganda Archbishop Elias Taban was witnessed by Cabinet Affairs Minister Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro, Yei River state government officials, members of parliament, community, and religious leaders.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj after the signing, Major General Moses Yanga, head of ENAF said he decided to join the peace efforts and support the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

“We are here today to respond to the President’s general amnesty and the need to support the revitalized peace agreement. We also want to support the full implementation of the revitalized peace agreement and I stand here to tell our brothers in the bush being deceived by some leaders that war is not good,” he added.

Yanga who accused NAS leadership of lacking vision, control and direction claimed he had over 750 active forces.

Speaking on behalf of the government of South Sudan, cabinet affairs minister Elias Lomuro applauded the ENAF leadership to end the war and support peace in the region.

“I want to congratulate Major General Yanga and his brothers for his bravery under the huge storm and negative campaign by people he enumerated to be in America, Australia, Canada, and particular in Uganda more especially in Arua Park in Kampala,” he added.

Archbishop Elias Taban also appreciated the group for resolving to end the suffering of the people Yei and Jubek states.

Elias said the church and its partners will support the full implementation of the peace deal.