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NAS says dismayed by report of targeted killings in Central Equatoria

The opposition group National Salvation Front (NAS) has reacted angrily to a report that several armed groups killed more than 100 civilians during a surge in violence in the Central Equatoria region since the peace deal was signed last year.

The opposition group National Salvation Front (NAS) has reacted angrily to a report that several armed groups killed more than 100 civilians during a surge in violence in the Central Equatoria region since the peace deal was signed last year.

A new report by the Human Rights Division of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan said civilians had been “deliberately and brutally targeted” in Central Equatoria after the signing of the peace deal in September 2018.

The UN report released on Wednesday identified government forces, fighters allied to opposition leader Riek Machar, forces loyal to South Sudan National Movement for Change and NAS forces, as responsible for targeting civilians in the region.

“The National Salvation Front (NAS) is hugely dismayed by the report of the UNMISS Human Rights Division (HRD) on the human rights violations and abuses that took place between September 2018 and April 2019,” said a statement extended to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday.

The statement bearing the name of Lako Jada Kwajok, head of the group’s foreign relations committee, said it’s unfortunate that the report by the UN peacekeeping mission in the country contains “unsubstantiated allegations” against NAS.

“Despite the absence of material evidence to corroborate its narrative, the UNMISS-HRD report accuses NAS of killing civilians, rape, sexual slavery, abduction, and looting of private properties. There are no names, photographs or credible interviews with the victims to support the allegations against NAS. Moreover, no organisation other than UNMISS reported such allegations,” said the statement.

The group stressed that the allegations against its forces in the Central Equatoria region are unfounded, saying there have been reports that the local population fled the government-controlled areas to the safety behind NAS lines in Yei River State.

The statement pointed out that the part about NAS in the report is "misleading and lacks credibility".

The group reiterated its commitment to a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

NAS is among other opposition groups who did not sign the revitalised peace deal.