N. Bahr el Ghazal State police recorded 364 crimes in July

The police in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State said they registered 364 criminal cases with theft, physical assault, and adultery leading among other crimes across the state.

The police in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State said they registered 364 criminal cases with theft, physical assault, and adultery leading among other crimes across the state.   

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj shortly after the monthly Rule of Law Forum’s meeting which was held at the Kush Hotel in Aweil town on Thursday, the state’s police commissioner, Brig. Gen. Arkangelo Guot Ngor said he presented a report with crime statistics to the forum.

“We are presenting to you the monthly crime statistics report for July 2023 today (Thursday) and the total number of the crime was 364 crimes across the state,” he said. “There were 183 theft cases, 57 cases of severe injury, and 26 adultery cases among others.”

Meanwhile, the state police spokesman, Captain Guot Guot Akol, disclosed that the police have come up with new measures to increase public awareness and conduct day and night patrols to thwart criminality.

“We have just concluded the Rule of Law Forum where stakeholders sit every month to review the status of the state in terms of how many people were arrested and other challenges regarding the legal system,” he said. “The resolution that we came up with is to increase public awareness through local radios and other platforms so that the people are sensitized and refrain from committing crimes.”

For her part, Maria Amou Yel who works with Invisible Women Inclusion Network (I-WIN) and is a member of Forum, said they were implementing activities to support and promote transitional justice process mechanisms with a special focus on tackling gender-based violence.

“We are implementing the transitional justice project by counseling people affected by war and we are also always dealing with issues to do with gender-based violence,” she said.

The Rule of Law Forum is chaired by the government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State through the legal administration and draws members from civil society organizations, international organizations, and UN agencies.