N. Bahr al Ghazal civil servants unpaid for November

Civil servants in Northern Bahr al Ghazal state have yet to receive their November salaries, the state minister of finance said.

Civil servants in Northern Bahr al Ghazal state have yet to receive their November salaries, the state minister of finance said.

The announcement comes after teachers from Northern Bahr al Ghazal and Jonglei states told Radio Tamazuj last week that they were not paid for last month’s work.

“Not only teachers of Northern Bahr al Ghazal but all people in the general service,” said State Finance Minister Ayei Bol Akol. “Neither in state levels nor national level have received their salary for last November.”

Ayei said the state is still waiting on funds from the National Ministry of Finance.

“I think the salaries might come soon and it will be delivered to the workers as soon as possible when it reaches from the National Ministry of Finance,” he said.

Separately, Jonglei State Education Minister Tut Kon Nyang confirmed that people in his ministry have yet to receive salaries. Still, he said the state has decided to increase allowances for teachers to 650 SSP per month.

“I think the problem of salary delay in all country comes as result of current problems that directly affected the oil production in the country,” he said.

South Sudan’s oil output has been slashed nearly in half after the Unity State oil fields closed down due to conflict.

Last September, Jonglei teachers went on strike over nonpayment of salaries and allowances. A teacher in Jonglei told Radio Tamazuj yesterday that the issue has since been resolved with state authorities and teachers have gone back to work.

File photo: The State Legislative Assembly in Aweil (Gurtong)


Delay investigating teachers salaries scam in Aweil