MSF halts Ulang services due to threats to staff

 French medical charity Médecins Sans-Frontières (MSF) has evacuated its international staff and suspended operations in Ulang County, Upper Nile State, following threats from a local individual.

The organization announced the decision in a statement sent to Radio Tamazuj on Friday.

MSF Deputy Field Communications Coordinator in South Sudan Aurélie Lécrivain, confirmed the evacuation and the suspension of activities at the MSF Secondary Healthcare Hospital. He said the evacuation took place on August 15, 2024, in response to escalating threats against the organization’s personnel.

“Indeed, on August 15, MSF had to evacuate part of its staff from Ulang in Upper Nile State due to serious threats from a local individual,” Lécrivain stated.

“As a result, we have temporarily suspended some activities at the MSF Secondary Healthcare Hospital in Ulang.”

The safety of both staff and patients is MSF’s utmost priority, Lécrivain emphasized, disclosing that the organization will only resume its operations once it can ensure the protection and security of its medical facility and personnel.

The decision underscores the volatile conditions under which humanitarian organizations operate in conflict areas.

The suspension of services is expected to impact the local community significantly, as the MSF Secondary Healthcare Hospital in Ulang has been a critical provider of medical care.