MP raises concern over insecurity along Mogiri-Lafon road

A legislator at the Eastern Equatoria State assembly is worried over increased insecurity along the Mogiri-Lafon road.

A legislator at the Eastern Equatoria State assembly is worried over increased insecurity along the Mogiri-Lafon road. 

Last month, a teenage girl was abducted and one person killed and another injured in an ambush in different incidents, officials reported. 

Likale Visor, an SPLM-IO member of parliament, told Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that cases of abductions and ambushes have made the road impassable yet it is the main link with Juba, the capital city.

“Every time there are cases like child abduction or somebody is killed along this road,” he said. “This road is not good and this will scare civilians in the area because Juba is where we buy things from.”

Visor appealed to the government to deploy security forces along the Lafon-Mogiri road to protect passengers.

Magisto Ukach, the Lafon County Commissioner, confirmed the incident and accused the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) youth of causing the insecurity. 

“This road from Mogiri to Lafon or Lafon to Mogiri that place I can say it is no man’s land because there is no center between unless up to Mogiri direct and many incidences are happening along this road,” he said. 

He adds, “On the 3rd of this month, there was a girl abducted and those who were with her said these were the Murle who abducted the girl. Last Sunday at 1 PM, a vehicle carrying passengers from Juba was ambushed.”

The Deputy Chief Administrator of GPAA, John Abula, denied the claims of his youth in the spate of crimes along the Mogiri-Lafon road. 

He urged the two governments of Eastern and Central Equatoria states to constitute a security force to investigate and hold accountable those behind the insecurity.