Photo: South Sudan MP Juol Nhomngek

MP Nhomngek vows to challenge suspension in court

Legislator Juol Nhomngek has vowed to challenge his suspension by Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly Jemma Nunu Kumba, saying the Speaker has overstepped her powers.

Legislator Juol Nhomngek has vowed to challenge his suspension by Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly Jemma Nunu Kumba, saying the Speaker has overstepped her powers.

In March, Nhomngek accused Jemma Nunu Kumba of abuse of office when he alleged that she diverted 12 million South Sudanese pounds on the pretext of providing it to South Sudan MPs in the East African Legislative Assembly.

Lawmakers in the East Africa Legislative Assembly have denied receiving these funds as earlier claimed. The Inter-Parliamentary Games has not made any public financial reports to show that it received SSP 12 million.

The parliamentarian also said that the Speaker had approved the release of USD 1.5 million for personal use without consent from the assembly.

On 14 April, the Assembly Business Committee (ABC) discussed in a closed session corruption allegations and alleged defamation of Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba. The committee resolved that Juol Nhomngek immediately apologize to the Speaker and withdraw his corruption and abuse of office allegations within seven working days. However, MP Nhomngek, who represents the opposition SPLM-IO, refused to apologize to the Speaker.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday about his suspension order dated 26 April, MP Nhomngek said: “My position is just simple; I will challenge it in court, and I also expect the parliament to be tough on the Speaker because she has overstepped her powers. She has taken the law into her own hands.”

“I am not against the suspension, but the process was done illegally. I will challenge it in court, and I am confident this case will be overturned. There is corruption in Parliament, and I am fighting against it,” he said.

For his part, the chairperson for the parliamentary committee for information, John Agany, confirmed the suspension order and said the decision was connected with incorrect charges levelled by the MP against the Speaker.

“MP Juol has been in hot soup with the national legislature, he has been accusing the Right Honorable Speaker that she has stolen money from the National Legislative Assembly and people were asking him to substantiate, but he was unable to provide evidence,” he said.

“The first investigation committee was formed and he was pardoned by the Speaker and after some time, he again released mixed information against the Speaker and that prompted the Speaker to open the case at the Assembly Business Committee (ABC),” he added.

When asked about the timeframe of the suspension order, Agany said the suspended MP will be reinstated to his position and duties after six months.