The head of the Blue Nile parliamentary caucus in the Sudanese National Legislative Assembly, Kumundan Joda, has explicitly requested President Omer Al Bashir to offer the third executive position in the federal government to an individual from Blue Nile state.
Joda is a member of the SPLM-Peace Wing, one of the parties in a power-sharing deal with the NCP-led government in Sudan.
He hails from Blue Nile and is demanding a special status for the state like the Transitional Regional Authority for the Darfur states and the status of east Sudan.
In remarks to the press yesterday, the lawmaker expressed discontent about what he termed “marginalization of Blue Nile” by the Sudanese government.
“We need our share in the top hierarchy, ministries and other constitutional positions,” he said. “In addition to that we also want to know about the resources being extracted in Blue Nile State,” Joda added.
In another development, a soldier was reportedly shot by unidentified criminals at his home in Damazin on Monday and taken to military hospital to treatment but died later. Police arrested two suspects in connection with the crime, according to local sources.
File photo: National parliament building in Khartoum