MP demands Makuei prove land deal claim against Former Detainees

Renk County MP Deng Chol Deng has called on South Sudan’s legislature to summon Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth to prove his claim that members of the SPLM-G10 Former Detainees sold Nadapal area in Eastern Equatoria State to Kenya.

Renk County MP Deng Chol Deng has called on South Sudan’s legislature to summon Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth to prove his claim that members of the SPLM-G10 Former Detainees sold Nadapal area in Eastern Equatoria State to Kenya.

In a statement to a local English newspaper on 21 September, Michael Makuei Lueth accused ex-minister of national security Oyai Deng Ajak, ex-minister of roads and bridges Gier Chuang Aluong, ex-cabinet minister Deng Alor Kuol of signing an annexation deal. Gier Chuang has denied Makuei’s accusation.

The three men are members of the “Former Detainees,” a group of political prisoners accused by Makuei’s side of a coup who were released due to lack of evidence. Makuei has lately lashed out at the Former Detainees for their actions regarding the peace process.

MP Deng called on the parliament to summon Makuei to explain the alleged deal, saying the information minister’s accusations should be taken seriously.

“If what was unveiled by the minister to the newspaper is true, then it should be brought to the parliament for deliberation,” Deng said. “The legislature shouldn’t keep silent on such a serious matter which touches on sovereignty.”

Deng said Makuei should prove the deal reached between the former government officials and Kenyan government.

“If it was done in the knowledge of the government, then the document should be brought before the national assembly for deliberation,” he said. “Those former officials were appointed in the executive to serve, they were not appointed to sell out the land without the knowledge of the government.”

“Those people are now against the country,” the MP added. “Is it good to sell out the country and then leave?”

One of the accused Deng Alor Kuol commended the Renk MP for demanding the minister of information prove the alleged deal with documentation before the parliament.

“We need that document, so what was said by the MP is correct. If Makuei has the document, he should present it before the parliament,” he told Radio Tamazuj.