Motorcyclist killed in an ambush along Ikotos-Agoro road

A 27-year-old motorcyclist, Lotari Cyprian Lino, was on Sunday shot dead when he and three other riders were ambushed along the Ikotos-Agoro road in Eastern Equatoria State, a local official said.

A 27-year-old motorcyclist, Lotari Cyprian Lino, was on Sunday shot dead when he and three other riders were ambushed along the Ikotos-Agoro road in Eastern Equatoria State, a local official said.

Ingong Caesar, the executive director in Ikotos County, told Radio Tamazuj that the incident happened on Sunday evening when suspected cattle raiders ambushed the group of four motorcyclists who were riding to shop for commodities from Uganda.

He said one rider was killed on spot, another injured while two managed to escape.

“This incident happened along the road to Agoro. There was a group of people who went to Uganda to steal goats and they fought with the people of Uganda and were chased and the goats recovered.” He explained. “So, the rustlers were scattered, and then there was a group of motorcyclists who were going to Agoro at around 8 pm and they fell in an ambush in a place called Chilok.”

“One rider called Taban Ofis Anthony was injured in the attack and rushed to Madi Opei in Uganda for medication and Lotari Cyprian Lino was killed two other riders escaped,” he added.

Ingong said the local county administration sent a police vehicle to pick up the body of the deceased on Monday.

On his part, Gabriel Arok, the police inspector in Ikotos County, confirmed the attack and said police has been deployed at the crime scene to investigate the matter.

“It happened on Sunday evening and we have not gotten the full details and today (Monday), the police forces were sent to the crime scene. Until now, the dead body has not been brought,” he said. “The injured person ran up to Madi Opei (Uganda) and the police vehicle was sent with his wife and we learned that he broke an arm at three points.”

“We deployed at the crime scene and after the investigators return, we will have a clear report,” he added.

Meanwhile, Timon Lohure, a member of the Eastern Equatoria State parliament representing Ikotos County on the SPLA-IO ticket, condemned the attack which he described as barbaric.

“People need to refrain from such barbaric behavior because the road is for everybody and those who lay ambushes and kill innocent people will not take the country ahead,” he admonished. “My message to the community is that they should always be alert so that the perpetrators can be brought to book.”