‘More than 52 soldiers slain in South Kordofan’: JEM

Clashes in South Kordofan between formations of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and contingents of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), apparently spearheaded by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), continued throughout the weekend.

Clashes in South Kordofan between formations of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and contingents of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), apparently spearheaded by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), continued throughout the weekend.

On Saturday, the hostilities were reported to be concentrated around the city of Delling. By Sunday, sources confirmed that the major arterial road linking South Kordofan capital Kadugli, via Delling and Dibebad, to the North Kordofan capital, El Obeid, was “closed to all traffic”.

JEM deputy head Mohamed Al Beel Issa Zayyed claimed on Sunday that the SRF has “killed more than 52 regular troops and pro-government militiamen, including leading figures Amir Al Mujehedin Aburachman Abu Fursha as well as Rachman Jigir.”

Zayyed claims that 68 others were wounded, and 11 officers and non-commissioned officers captured. He named two of these as officers, Lt Col Yasir Mohamed Abdulla, and Lt Hamid Mohamed Abdolsamet.

Zayyed also echoed claims by the SPLM-N spokesman that the SRF has captured several vehicles, an anti-aircraft gun and other materiel, and destroyed “more than 17 military vehicles”.

Multiple witnesses confirmed that SRF forces cut the road link from Delling to Kadugli. People within Delling town said they heard “gunfire and explosions from clashes outside the city”.

They added that the SAF has reinforced its positions within the city, while shops, schools, and government institutions closed their doors and citizens stayed home.

Reporting by Radio Dabanga