Money transfer services opening in displacement sites

Money transfer services are opening in protection of civilian sites in South Sudan to help people who cannot leave the camps access funds.

Money transfer services are opening in protection of civilian sites in South Sudan to help people who cannot leave the camps access funds.

Glory Money Transfer is currently operating in the Bentiu PoC, as well as in Juba and Kenya, but Jackdieng Gatkek, who is managing the project, said additional sites will follow.

“The reasons for opening the money transfer is to help those in the protection sites across Upper Nile region who have been isolated in the banking system since the outbreak of the war,” he said.

Gatkek said they have put logistics in place to handle what he expects to be a high demand from people living in the sites.

Though he acknowledged there was some risk in opening the service, he said, “I accept to take the risk to help my community.”